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World Day for Grandparents

and the Elderly

Sat. July 27th / Sunday July 28th


    Let us take time to remember our grandparents and the elderly on this special day. The theme chosen by Pope Francis for this year’s celebration:

“Do not cast me off in my old age” (Psalm 71:9)


    Parishioners (young and old) are invited to honour both grandparents and the elderly by writing a note, a memory, a prayer or drawing a picture and placing them in the box or basket provided at both entrances during the month of July. These tributes will be brought to the altar at all masses on that weekend. 


St. John the Apostle

Catholic Women’s League is organizing a



Saturday, November 23rd

Attention all crafters, artisans and others!

Come rent a table at the St. John the Apostle CWL Christmas Bazaar

For further information please contact:



         The CWL’s new Homelessness Project invites us to look at ways we can all help the homeless.  To donate to shelters in the region items for the homeless, is one easy way. Most shelters welcome donations such as clothing and hygiene products.  During the winter season, donations of blankets and warm socks are greatly needed.  A Homelessness Box has been placed in the side entrance for donations of these most needed items. 


       Thank you for your support.






The annual Parish Memorial Mass, organized by the The Knights of Columbus and Catholic Women’s League was held on Thursday, February 8th.  This Mass is dedicated to all the deceased members from our parish who passed away in 2023.  To view a recording of the Mass

Click here.










Click on the links below for descriptions of various ministries in our church, or pick up at copy at the church.  Without them our church could not function.  All these ministries are served by volunteers.  Please consider bringing your gifts, talents and presence to St. John the Apostle in an effort to build-up our parish together, after a very challenging few years.  The time commitment for many ministries is minimal, but invaluable to our parish life. If you want more information, please contact the parish office, 613-829-1760. 

Click here for descriptions of various ministries.

Click here for volunteer sign up sheet.


Your talent is God’s Gift to you.

What you do with it is your gift to God.















Come sing, come lift your voice, come “make a joyful noise unto the Lord”! 

High school students: get your volunteer hours singing with us!

We welcome all who are interested…Grade 9 to age 89 and beyond! 

Feel free to contact the Parish Office or Lisa-Marie directly for any questions and inquiries:

Click here to meet our Choir director Lisa-Marie.


Every First Friday of the month, we will have Adoration following the 9am Mass, until 10:30am.  This will replace the Adoration previously at 8am on First Saturdays.  Moving Adoration to this time will allow more of us to come and spend time with our Lord.


Email scams are on the rise again.  If you receive an email from the Pastor or any Priest asking for a favour or to run an errand, do not reply to it.  Scammers are getting very sophisticated.  Always check the email address of the sender, if it's not one you recognize don't reply to it, replying to their email may compromise your computer.  If you are uncertain please call the Parish Office.









Catholic Women's League Initiative


Human Trafficking, is the luring of innocent men, women, boys, and girls away from their lives by sweet promises and then imprisoning them in brothels or slavery from which there is no escape and breaks parents’ hearts. It has reared its ugly head again, even in the Ottawa area but A New Day is fighting the scourge and the Catholic Womens’ League of St. John the Apostle is supporting their cause. If you can, please send a donation by:

  1. electronically or  Interac to:

  2. using their donation form at:

  3. by cheque to: A New Day at: 2055 Meadowbrook Road, Gloucester, Ontario (K1B 4W7)

Would you reference it  CWL-SJtA.

Warmest thanks!

CWL Charity Fundraiser with Fundscrip 

Our parish CWL has joined with Fundscrip to raise funds for our community.  All funds raised will be shared with our church, local schools, food banks and others in need. There are over 250 retailers participating in this program (incl. Walmart, Loblaws, Food Basics, Metro, etc.).  All you have to do is purchase gift cards for your everyday groceries, gas, or entertainment such as books!  For more information go to:



Campaign for Conscience Rights Legislation in Ontario

Archbishop Damphousse encourages all the faithful to engage in a new communications campaign launched by the Bishops of Ontario in support of establishing conscience rights legislation to protect physicians, nurses and other health care workers in Ontario. Here is a link for sending automated letters to your local MPPs:

(Note: to access the automated letter, scroll down the page on that site where you will find the letter info boxes just below the Youtube information message video for Coalition for HealthCARE and Conscience).

Patient with Healthcare Nurse

No one should be forced to participate in ending a patient's life.


  Hospice forced to close. 

Click here to read article

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