Welcome Back!
Please carefully read the following requirements before coming to Mass.
**Masks Required. Ontario Public Health Authorities have mandated that masks be worn at all indoor public places. Exemptions include:
Individuals with medical conditions rendering them unable to safely wear a mask, including breathing difficulties or cognitive difficulties;
Individuals who are unable to apply or remove a mask without assistance, and
Children under the age or 2. (We will not provide masks.)**
Before you come to Mass, please also verify:
I am showing no symptoms of possible COVID-19 infection (fever, cough, difficulty breathing, etc.) and am not otherwise feeling unwell.
I have not traveled abroad or had contact with potentially infected people in the last 14 days.
I understand all washrooms are to be considered closed until further notice.
Volunteers will be at the church to help and guide you.
While we cannot guarantee that you will not be exposed to COVID-19 at Mass, we are seeking to keep you as safe as possible. In addition to the safety precautions put in place while you are at Mass, the Church will be sanitized after each Mass.