Youth and Family Resources

for events, resources and groups for youth, young adults and parents
Family Prayer Book
(click here)

CHILDREN'S LITURGY will re-start Sunday, September 17th at 10:30am Mass
It is with great pleasure that we are starting up Children's Liturgy for the year beginning Sunday, September 17th at 10:30am Mass. School-aged children, generally up to grade 6, are welcome. Younger children's parents are welcome to attend as well! It is a perfect time for the children to ask questions and learn about the day's gospel.
At this time, I wonder if you have ever considered joining us as a leader of Children's Liturgy? This wonderful ministry is very rewarding and one of our long-time leaders has moved and can no longer join us. Please contact me, Lynn Dal Farra, (dalfarra@rogers.com), to discuss this or come down on a Sunday at 10:30 mass to see what we do. I said yes over 20 years ago and have never looked back!! We'd love to have you! You would be joining a flexible, caring, and supportive team of leaders.