The St. John the Apostle Parish community, inspired by the Holy Spirit, strives to witness to the presence of Christ.
Live Stream of 10:30am Sunday Mass and Videos of past Sunday Masses at
St. John the Apostle
Sunday Eucharist:
Saturday 5:00pm
Sunday 8:00am and 10:30am
Children's Liturgy generally at 10:30am Mass (Sept. to June)
Weekday Liturgy:
Tuesday to Friday at 9:00am
First Saturday of the month at 9:00am
Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet: prayed before weekday Masses at 8:30am
Eucharistic Adoration: First Friday of the Month following 9am Mass, until 10:30am.
Tuesday to Friday - 8:30am
Saturdays 4:00-4:30pm
and upon request.

Message for the Jubilee Year
What's New on the Site!
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Evening of Prayer and Healing
Annual Parish Memorial Mass - Rescheduled
Click here for more info
St. John the Apostle Roman Catholic Church
2340 Baseline Road
Ottawa, Ontario K2C 0C9
Parish Office: 613-829-1760
Fax 613-829-2931
Office email: office@stjohntheapostleparish.com
Pastor's email: pastor@stjohntheapostleparish.com
Bookkeeper email: bookkeeper@stjohntheapostleparish.com
DONATIONS can be made to the Parish
by etransfer to:
as well as the methods set out below:
Pre-Authorized Donations
To make automatic donations to the Parish via Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD), print off this pre-authorized donation form, fill it in, attach a VOID cheque, and drop it off at the Parish office.
Registered Charity No. 12896 7353 RR0095
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